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Growing in Grace Tue, 09 Jan 2024 03:46:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 208477304 Encourage Tue, 09 Jan 2024 03:46:32 +0000 How can we be better encouragers? That’s what I want to think about today. Encouragement makes us feel good. It makes us confident in the tasks laid out before us.…

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How can we be better encouragers? That’s what I want to think about today. Encouragement makes us feel good. It makes us confident in the tasks laid out before us. Everyone could use some encouragement but I think especially Christians! Christians are faced with temptation, backlash, and all sorts of negative things. There are even some things that our fellow Christians go through that we may not even know about. It may be that all they need is just a little encouragement from someone who loves and cares for them. How can we be a better encouragement to our brethren?

1. Remind Them Who They’re Living For

In some cases, it can just be really tough to be a Christian. We receive backlash from family, friends, and sometimes even other Christians. What can we do to help? Now, you do want to remember to use good judgment on when to say something like this, but if it’s the right time, go to the struggling Christian and let them know that you’re truly sorry for the situation they’re in. Be empathetic. Then, remind them that they became a Christian because they want to please God and serve Him forever. It’s not about pleasing other people. Yes, it can be extremely hard sometimes to do the right thing, but knowing what awaits us in heaven will make it all worth it. Jesus encouraged His disciples when He told them of bad things to come in John 16:33.

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 NKJV

The best example we have of encouragement is to look at Jesus’ life. If He’s the best example, why not do what He did?

2. Compliment Them

When you’re feeling down, doesn’t a compliment seem to really help boost your mood? Maybe say something like, “That outfit looks really pretty on you!” or “You did such a good job with _____.” Little compliments like that can really help make a person feel so much better and ready to take on the world!

3. Set A Good Example

What happens when you’re trying to stay away from sin but the people around you are doing or saying things they shouldn’t? It can definitely make it harder to stand up for what’s right! So, by setting a good example no matter who we’re around, we can encourage them to make the right choices!

4. Encourage Just Because!

Maybe there isn’t anyone that you know of who’s struggling, but why not encourage them anyway? If it’s a new job, support them in it! If it’s a Bible study they’re conducting, encourage them in it! If they’re learning to cook for the first time, encourage them! Whatever it may be, we can be encouraging and supportive to our brethren.

Christians are to “bear one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2) and in doing so, we help each other and lift one another up, ENCOURAGING each other to stay on track! If we can’t help our brethren be faithful, how are we going to help others learn the truth? This month, challenge yourself. Try to be a better encourager. We’ll all work together and hey, isn’t that an ENCOURAGING thought?

Sidenote: Encouragement doesn’t just have to be extended toward your brothers and sisters in Christ. You never know, encouraging non-Christians may lead to them becoming one!

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Be Careful What You Wish For Mon, 04 Dec 2023 02:13:05 +0000 I was recently listening to a podcast, when something that was said caught my attention. The topic was about when Israel demanded a king (1 Samuel 8). God warned them…

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I was recently listening to a podcast, when something that was said caught my attention. The topic was about when Israel demanded a king (1 Samuel 8). God warned them over and over, but they still wanted a worldly king to fight their battles instead of the most powerful King of all, God. So, what did God do? He gave them a king. After the podcast hosts explained how the story went, one of them went on to say,

“Be careful what you wish for. God might just give you what you ask for.”

Aaron Gallagher

Hmm. I had never thought about it that way. God never wants bad things to happen to us or for us to be unhappy, but sometimes, He allows those things because we made a bad decision. In Israel’s case, they rejected God, so He allowed them to have an earthly king to punish and teach them a lesson. When you find yourself complaining about things that aren’t going your way or aren’t to your liking, stop and think, “What am I wishing for?” It may just be that the things you’re complaining about today will be gone tomorrow and you’ll realize that even the little things that we take for granted, are really big things when we have to do without them. This month I want us to challenge ourselves with three things…

Challenge #1: Before complaining, remember the positives.

There is always something to be positive about in every situation you go through (Philippians 4:11).

Challenge #2: Thank God for your blessings, no matter how small.

Always pray to Him, thanking Him for everything He does for you, big and small. Sometimes, it’s the little things that make a big difference (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Challenge #3: Remember that God is our Father.

As Christians, we are God’s children. He’s sovereign and will make sure that no matter what, we will be taken care of. Trust His decisions. He knows what’s best because He sees the whole picture (Romans 8:28).

As you go throughout this month, I want you to take this thought with you and hold it close…

“One of the greatest acts of grace and mercy in my life is prayers that I’ve prayed to God and God said ‘Uh, no’.”

Aaron Gallagher

God is looking out for you in the best possible way. When He says, “No”, remember just how meaningful that is.

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Tracing God’s Character Mon, 06 Nov 2023 03:30:07 +0000 There are many instances in the New Testament where we can see God’s character shine through by the miracles He did. Sometimes, I think it can be easy to forget…

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There are many instances in the New Testament where we can see God’s character shine through by the miracles He did. Sometimes, I think it can be easy to forget about the Old Testament miracles and how they show characteristics of God as well. For just a few minutes, I want to take a quick look at some of those miracles and see what we can learn about God’s character.

1. Elijah and the Widow

In this story found in 1 Kings 17, we find out that there is a drought in the land and that food and water are running low. We meet a widow who is just trying to scrape by with her son. When Elijah finds her, he instructs her to make a cake of bread for him to eat and then make one for her and her son. Would there be enough though? After all, they only had a handful of flour and a little bit of oil. But God makes sure they’re taken care of. The widow’s flour and oil never ran out. From this story, we see that God is our protector. He is going to make sure we have everything we need. Now, there is a way in which we can lose that protection. If we choose not to have a job to earn money for our necessities, God is not going to provide that for us.

“…If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.”

2 Thessalonians 3:10 NKJV

It does not mean that God loves us any less, but sin must be punished and laziness is a sin. Following God means you must give up every worldly thing and put Him first, but in exchange you gain everything, spiritually. With our obedience, comes God’s protection.

2. Elijah’s Contest With the Prophets of Baal

During the time of the kings, God’s people were being influenced by idolatry. Their king at the time, Ahab, worshiped Baal. Elijah gives the people the option to choose which god they think is the real one. After Baal’s prophets’ unsuccessful attempt at proving their god was the real one, it was Elijah’s turn. Elijah knew that his God was the true God. He made his altar physically impossible to set on fire, yet God sends fire down and consumes everything on the altar (1 Kings 18:20-40). What does this tell us about God’s character? I think it shows us that God will give us proof that He is the one, true God. Although miracles don’t happen today, God has still given us evidence that He is God. We don’t have to have a blind faith. We can be confident that the God we’re serving is the real God.

3. The Bronze Serpent

Numbers 21:4-9 reminds us that God’s salvation is conditional. In this story, we read about the Israelites and how they sinned by speaking against Moses and God. As punishment, God sent fiery serpents that would bite and kill them. When they came to their senses and realized what they had done was wrong, they asked for Moses to pray that God would get rid of the serpents. God gave them a way to be saved. He instructed Moses to make a serpent and put it on a pole for everyone to see. But, the salvation God provided came with a condition. They had to look at the serpent on the pole. God provides a way for us to be saved today, but it’s conditional as well. We must be willing to have faith in God, repent of our sins, confess that Jesus is God’s Son, be baptized to have our sins washed away, and remain faithful, living as close to the life of Christ as we can. If we do all of those things, we can obtain eternal salvation.

God’s character doesn’t change (Malachi 3:6). The characteristics of God that we learn from the Old Testament all those years ago are still present today under the New Covenant. It’s comforting to know that we serve a God who stays the same and that we really can learn His character and get to know Him better.

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The Evil Queen: Jezebel Fri, 06 Oct 2023 00:59:28 +0000 Jezebel, in my opinion, is probably the most evil woman in the whole Bible. She was so wicked and wasn’t even sorry for her actions. In today’s post, I want…

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Jezebel, in my opinion, is probably the most evil woman in the whole Bible. She was so wicked and wasn’t even sorry for her actions. In today’s post, I want to take a quick look at the life of Jezebel and point out some of the areas where she did wrong. Then, I want to take a look at how we can avoid doing those same things in our lives, to prevent us from becoming the modern day Jezebel.

A Quick Background on Jezebel:

Jezebel was the wife of King Ahab who was also very wicked. The Bible tells us that, “Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord, more than all who were before him.” (1 Kings 16:30 NKJV). Needless to say, this royal couple would’ve been scary to be around and you wouldn’t want to get on their bad side.

Jezebel’s Evil Character:

1. She Was An Idolater

It seems that Jezebel never had any desire to serve the true God. She served false gods. Gods that were worthless and useless.

2. She Was Willing To Do Anything To Get What She Wanted

Jezebel went to extremes to get her way. In 1 Kings 21, in order to make King Ahab happy, she had a man killed just so the king could have the man’s vineyard.

3. She Was Dishonest

Many times Jezebel lied. In the same story mentioned above, she wrote a letter in the king’s name and she spread false accusations against the man Naboth, which unfortunately, led to his death.

4. Her Conscience Was So Seared That She Had No Regrets For Her Sin

When she heard the news that Naboth was dead, she told King Ahab,

“Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he refused to give you for money; for Naboth is not alive, but dead.”

1 Kings 21:15 NKJV

No regret is ever mentioned or implied. She almost seems proud of herself for getting the job done. This helps us see even more how wicked she was.

5. She Encouraged Evil

In 1 Kings 21:25, it says,

“But there was no one like Ahab who sold himself to do wickedness in the sight of the Lord, because Jezebel his wife stirred him up.”

1 Kings 21:25 NKJV

Jezebel not only did evil herself, she encouraged her husband to do evil!

These 5 things are very dangerous to us. We have to be careful not to fall into this same lifestyle.

Ways To Avoid Becoming Like Jezebel:

1. Seek God First

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33 NKJV

Seeking Him first can only lead to good things. Make sure to study to give yourself a firm foundation in the scriptures and belief in the one, true God.

2. Be Content

Jezebel took extreme measures to get what she wanted. In order to avoid this, we must learn to be content. Paul said in Philippians 4:11,

“…for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:”

Philippians 4:11 NKJV

Paul knew the importance of being content. He was looking forward to Heaven. Nothing else in this world matters. If you have God and the hope of Heaven, you can be content no matter what life’s circumstances. I’m not saying it isn’t hard, but WE CAN DO IT! Try not to compare yourself to others. Be grateful for what you have! God has blessed us with so much already!

3. Always Tell The Truth

Many times, lying happens to cover up a mistake you made. Although the consequences for our mistakes on earth can be bad if the truth is uncovered, it cannot compare with what the eternal consequence is if we choose to lie and don’t repent. God hates lying and liars will have their part “in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone” (Revelation 21:8 NKJV). It is much better to suffer the consequences of our mistakes here on earth than the eternal consequence of lying to try to hide them.

4. Let The Bible Be Your Guide, Not Your Conscience

When you make a mistake, don’t justify it. Avoid listening to your feelings and emotions and let the Bible guide you into truth. Admit that you’ve done wrong and change. Justifying your sin can lead to your conscience becoming seared like Jezebel.

“Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,”

1 Timothy 4:2 NKJV

When your conscience becomes seared, you can sin a little easier the next time until you’ve sinned so much that it doesn’t even bother you anymore. We have to guard against this!

5. Don’t Approve Of Others Who Practice Sin

Romans 1:32 says,

“Who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.”

Romans 1:32 NKJV

Our job on earth is not to make people happy. It is to share the gospel with others and to save souls! If we don’t expose sin, how are we going to help people get to Heaven? We must lovingly expose sin, and encourage people to change their lives.

There is a lot to be learned from the life of Jezebel. Even though she was a terribly wicked queen, there are good lessons we can learn to help us be better people and most importantly, better Christians. We do have to work at it, but with God all things are possible!

“But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.'”

Mark 10:27 NKJV

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Does Christianity Have a Bare Minimum? Mon, 04 Sep 2023 02:42:24 +0000 I recently went to a class by Eric Owens called, “Are You Giving God the Bare Minimum?” My favorite part of that lesson was when he answered the question, “Does…

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I recently went to a class by Eric Owens called, “Are You Giving God the Bare Minimum?” My favorite part of that lesson was when he answered the question, “Does Christianity even have a bare minimum? The answer is “Yes”. Christianity’s bare minimum is ALL. He brought things to a close by saying if you’re not giving Christ your all, you’re not even meeting the bare minimum.

Think about that for a moment.

I think it’s easy to just go through the motions and forget that it’s a commitment we’re making to Christ, not just doing it because He said so. We must always make it our effort to follow Him, but ask yourself what your motivation is. Is it because you truly love God because He first loved us (1 John 4:19)? Or, is it because it’s what you’ve been taught all your life? Is it a chore to obey + worship God or is it a delight? Jesus gave His all for us. Why shouldn’t we give our all to Him? A song that comes to mind when I think about this is, “Jesus Paid It All”. Think about these words…

“Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.”

Jesus is the only one who can wash that stain away. He died for you and for me. He endured a horrible death for us. We haven’t done anything to deserve what He did for us. He did it because He has a tremendous amount of love for His creation.

So, with all of that in mind, I’ll end by asking the question, “Are you giving God the bare minimum?”

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How Do You Like Your Coffee? Mon, 07 Aug 2023 02:58:36 +0000 Picture this…it’s cold outside and you’re sitting in front of a fireplace, wrapped in a cozy blanket, a warm cup of coffee in one hand, and a good book in…

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Picture this…it’s cold outside and you’re sitting in front of a fireplace, wrapped in a cozy blanket, a warm cup of coffee in one hand, and a good book in the other. Not your style? Ok, what about this…it’s a hot summer day and you just need a nice sweet, but refreshing treat. Maybe an iced coffee or a delicious caramel frappe! Whatever your preference, you still want coffee. It’s what’s added to it that changes the drink. On that note, let’s see what kind of life lessons we can learn from a cup of coffee…

1. The Frappe: “A drink served with ice or frozen to a slushy consistency.”

(New Oxford American Dictionary)

Are you “frozen” in your walk with God? The Bible tells us it is important for us to grow, so we can stand firm for the Bible and defend the Truth.

“You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.”

2 Peter 3:17,18 NKJV

We must become “full of age” so we can handle the spiritual food being fed to us.

“For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are full of age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

Hebrews 5:13,14 NKJV

So, what does “The Frappe” teach us? Don’t freeze in your walk with Christ. Always be willing to learn more about the Bible. Growth is important to our salvation!

2. The Cappuccino: “Coffee made with milk that has been frothed up with pressurized steam.”

(New Oxford American Dictionary)

Ah, the Cappuccino. Pressure does good things to coffee, but it’s not always good for humans. Peer pressure is all around us, even as adults. We want people to like us, so sometimes, we give in to the temptations the devil throws at us every day. What is a way we can avoid this? The answer is in 1 Corinthians 15 where Paul writes,

“Do not be deceived: ‘Evil company corrupts good habits.’ ”

1 Corinthians 15:33 NKJV

The friends we choose affect our future. Friends rub off on you and if we choose bad ones, they may influence us to take part in sinful things. When under pressure and faced with a choice between right and wrong, remember the words of Luke in Acts 5:29,

“We ought to obey God rather than men.”

Acts 5:29 NKJV

3. The Iced Coffee: “Chilled coffee, typically sweetened or flavored and served over ice.”

(New Oxford American Dictionary)

One of my favorite ways to drink coffee is iced. Put your favorite creamer in there, maybe some sweetened condensed milk, or a flavored syrup to make the perfect iced coffee. These sugary substances weaken the bitter flavor, making it more enjoyable and easier to drink. Maybe though, when considering our spiritual lives, we should think of things a little differently. There are people in the world that “put too much sugar in their coffee”, meaning, they weaken the reality of hell. Hell is a real place and not one I want to go to. We may not often think of this, but teaching others about hell is important! We have an obligation to let others know about the One that can save them from this terrible place.

“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.’ ”

Mark 16:15,16 NKJV

Jesus is speaking to His apostles here, but this also applies to us today. We must make sure others know the reality of hell and the goodness of God! He is willing to save you and wants you to be saved. We just have to take action. 

4. The Black Coffee: “Coffee with nothing added – no cream, no milk, no sweetener.”

( benefits of black coffee)

Though it may not be the perfect cup of coffee to drink physically, it is the perfect cup of coffee spiritually speaking…the Word of God that hasn’t been tainted. What a wonderful thing to know that we have a pure copy of God’s Word. It’s comforting that He tells us exactly what we need to know. It doesn’t need anything added to it to make it better. How could man, who God created, insert something to “enhance the flavor” of what God inspired? He can’t. 

“Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar.”

Proverbs 30:5,6 NKJV

The pure word of God is sharper than any sword (Hebrews 4:12). It is the greatest weapon that we have to fight against Satan’s attacks. 

There are many different choices on “the menu”. Which one will you choose?

Works Cited:

WebMD Editorial Contributors. “Health Benefits of Black Coffee.” Nourish by WebMD, 14 December 2022, Accessed 6 August 2023.

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The Worthy Woman Sun, 02 Jul 2023 19:00:36 +0000 “A woman that feareth Jehovah, she shall be praised.” Proverbs 31:30 ASV Captain Marvel, Hermione Granger, and Mulan, they all have one thing in common. They are heroes. Our world’s…

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“A woman that feareth Jehovah, she shall be praised.”

Proverbs 31:30 ASV

Captain Marvel, Hermione Granger, and Mulan, they all have one thing in common. They are heroes. Our world’s view of a hero is someone who saves the day or does an admirable act. The Bible has a lot to say about different heroes according to our world’s standards, but today I want to focus on one hero in particular. A hero we as women should all strive to be like. The worthy woman. Proverbs 31 tells us about a virtuous wife. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines “virtuous” as “having or showing high moral standards”. I don’t know about you, but that definition is a characteristic I want people to see in my life. Though the scriptures tell us about a wife, I believe any woman should strive to have these qualities.

1. Be Trustworthy

“The heart of her husband trusteth in her, and he shall have no lack of gain.”

Proverbs 31:11 ASV

We want those around us to be able to trust in what we say and in what we do. Prove yourself to others. Show them that when there’s a job that needs to be done, you can handle it.

2. Be Willing to Work

“She seeketh wool and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.”

Proverbs 31:13 ASV

“…Her lamp goeth not out by night.”

Proverbs 31:18 ASV

The virtuous woman is not lazy. She helps provide for her family and stays up late doing so. I have no doubt that she would also provide for the family of God. I can see her right now being busy teaching others about the good news!

3. Be Hospitable

“She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; Yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.”

Proverbs 31:20 ASV

It can be very easy to make excuses such as, “I’m too tired” or “I just don’t want to today.” Jesus was tired but He was still hospitable toward others. Matthew 14 talks about how Jesus withdrew Himself from the crowds to be alone. When the people found out though, they followed Him. Even though He didn’t feel like being around all those people, the Bible tells us He healed their sick and fed them too! Doesn’t that sound like hospitality to you?

4. She is Brave

“She is not afraid of the snow for her household; for all her household are clothed with scarlet.”

Proverbs 31:21 ASV

The worthy woman makes sure that her family has what they need in times of cold, hot, sickness, and in health. She doesn’t have to be afraid because she knows they have what they need and that they are taken care of.

5. She Does Good and Speaks Kindly

“She doeth him good and not evil all the days of her life.”

Proverbs 31:12 ASV

“…And the law of kindness is on her tongue.”

Proverbs 31:26 ASV

What we say and do has a great impact on those around us. We must be careful to do and say things that will build each other up, not tear one another down. The tongue is one of the most powerful weapons a person has. Use it wisely.

Many words of advice are given in this chapter of Proverbs. I encourage you to go read the whole chapter so you can see the full picture. The virtuous woman is one who puts God first and places her family and others next. She knows the importance of work, hospitality, and kindness. She sees and reaps the benefits. The chapter ends with some encouraging words regarding this special lady…

“Her children rise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her, saying: Many daughters have done worthily, but thou excellest them all. Grace is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth Jehovah, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her works praise her in the gates.”

Proverbs 31:28-31 ASV

I want to be this hero. She’s courageous, kind, and faithful. She humbles herself by putting others’ needs and wants before hers and she will be praised and rewarded for her good works. I want my future husband and children to look at me and see all of these admirable qualities. What a great example and encouragement this woman is to us!

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God’s Promises Tue, 06 Jun 2023 04:55:22 +0000 Has someone ever made you a promise and then failed to keep it? I’m sure that has happened to all of us, whether it be an accident or just a…

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Has someone ever made you a promise and then failed to keep it? I’m sure that has happened to all of us, whether it be an accident or just a flat out lie. But, what if there was someone who always spoke the truth – someone you could trust completely and would never break a promise? There is – God! The Bible tells us that God cannot lie.

“So that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us.”

Hebrews 6:18 ESV

I like the English Standard version of this verse. For one, the fact that God cannot lie, is just that…a fact. A fact IS true, not just something thought to be true. It has been PROVEN true. The Bible has never contradicted itself. Though many have tried to say otherwise, they have not been successful in proving it. The Bible always wins. God always wins. No one will ever be able to prove the Bible wrong.

Second, the fact that God cannot lie is unchangeable. God isn’t just going to change his mind.

“For I am the Lord, I do not change…”

Malachi 3:6 NKJV

Third, because God cannot lie and because He will not change, we can have confidence that He is going to give us a home in Heaven if we obey Him.

“…Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”

Revelation 2:10 NKJV

“And this is the promise that He has promised us—eternal life.”

1 John 2:25 NKJV

It’s so comforting to know that God has a home of rest prepared for us. Yes, we have to fight and endure trials while we’re here on this earth, but it will be so worth it in the end. We can’t even imagine how amazing it will be! God has promised us so many things, but one of those promises was made in the days of Noah. Noah was given the task of building an ark to save anyone that was willing to get on it. He preached for over 100 years and no one would believe him until it was too late. God closed up the door of the ark and flooded the entire earth. Man was so wicked and sinful that it was the only thing left to do. He kept the animals and Noah and his family safe on the ark until the flood waters were low enough that they could stay on the land again. It was then, that God made a promise to never flood the earth again. Do you know what the symbol of that promise is? A beautiful rainbow. He put the rainbow in the sky to remind us of His promise.

“I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth…and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.”

Genesis 9:13,15 NKJV

It’s neat to think that God is still reminding us of his promise with the rainbow even so many years later. Not everyone in our world sees the rainbow that way though. It has been used to represent something sinful, the complete opposite of who God is. He is light and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). It is sad to think that something God made for a good purpose is being used to represent bad purposes. This month is referred to as “Pride month”, but I’m here to tell you not to take pride in the sin of homosexuality, let alone any sin. Rather, take “pride” in your heavenly Father who created you and promises you great things.

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Here Am I! Send Me. Mon, 08 May 2023 01:49:58 +0000 Many times, it can be hard to share the gospel with others. We’re worried about what others will think, how they will treat us, if they’ll talk bad about us,…

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Many times, it can be hard to share the gospel with others. We’re worried about what others will think, how they will treat us, if they’ll talk bad about us, and all sorts of other things. We know we’re supposed to share the good news with others, but we just get afraid. I understand. You’re not alone. I’ve been there. It is definitely scary! We must make up our minds to do what God wants, no matter what. Jesus has asked us all to evangelize.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.”

Matthew 28:19,20 NKJV

“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”‘

Mark 16:15 NKJV

In order to do that, we must make sacrifices. Jesus never said being a Christian would be easy. In fact, He said it would be difficult.

“Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

Matthew 7:14 NKJV

Isn’t it all worth it though? I mean, He gave His own life for us! That alone is enough for us to be willing to tell others about Him, not to mention all the other blessings that He gives us each and every day. What are some of the sacrifices you might have to make?

Watch your favorite movieOr you could…Watch/listen to a Bible series on how to defend the faith
Get a manicure after workOr you could…Sit down with a co-worker and study the Bible
Go shopping on your day offOr you could…Take Bibles, tracts, etc. to people in your community

Now, I’m not saying that any of the things on the left column are bad. It’s totally ok to do those things! Just maybe sometimes, we need to cut those things out and add some evangelism instead. One of the greatest forms of love that you could ever show someone, is telling them about the Truth. If they respond negatively, it’s ok. You’ve planted the seed. If they reject it now, it’s not your fault. All you can do is do your best to present the Truth and pray for God to give the increase.

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.”

1 Corinthians 3:6 NKJV

People may not like you, but in the end, it’ll all be worth it. So, are you truly willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to do the will of God? Can you say with honesty, “Here am I! Send me.”?

“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: ‘Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I! Send me.”‘

Isaiah 6:8 NKJV

The post Here Am I! Send Me. appeared first on Growing in Grace.

6 Must-Haves for Your Christian Home Mon, 03 Apr 2023 02:20:51 +0000 If you’re like me and love watching organization videos, interior design tips, etc., then you know that among those videos you will find home “must-haves”. A lot of times these…

The post 6 Must-Haves for Your Christian Home appeared first on Growing in Grace.

If you’re like me and love watching organization videos, interior design tips, etc., then you know that among those videos you will find home “must-haves”. A lot of times these aren’t true must-haves for your home, but they are things we may want to make our home feel welcoming or things that would be useful when it comes to cooking, cleaning, etc. Over the next few minutes, I want to share with you 6 things that may not necessarily be physical must-haves but are definitely spiritual must-haves.

Practical Must-Haves for Your Home

  1. Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning supplies get rid of that dirt that makes your home look uninviting and well, dirty. What about in our spiritual home? Is your home dirty? I know that everyone’s Christian home has been at one time.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”

Romans 3:23 NKJV

We all sin. We all make mistakes, but with spiritual cleanser, we can be made bright, shiny, and new again! Jesus’ blood cleanses us from all our sins and it is the only thing that will ever be able to do that. Take advantage of it. Jesus shed His blood for you!

“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

1 John 1:7 NKJV

2. Utensils

I don’t know about you, but I like food! From finger foods, casseroles, and desserts, I like it all! Like most anyone, I also use utensils when I eat. Have you ever thought about the Bible as a spiritual utensil? The word “Bible” just means “book”. This book is full of our spiritual food, God’s Word. Without the book, it might be harder to access what God has said to us. Having God’s words written on paper to read whenever and wherever, is a wonderful aid to learning what we must do to be saved.

“And Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.'”

John 6:35 NKJV

3. Toolkit

Maybe you accidentally broke a bookshelf in your home, so what would you do next? May I suggest bringing out the toolkit?? Repair the bookshelf, so it’s functioning the way it’s supposed to again. The same goes with our spiritual lives. As Christians, if we turn back to our old life of sin, our relationship with Christ breaks. We must use our spiritual toolkit to fix it.

“13 Then Simon himself also believed; and when he was baptized he continued with Philip, and was amazed, seeing the miracles and signs which were done. 18 And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, 19 saying, ‘Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit.’ 20 But Peter said to him, ‘Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money! 22 Repent therefore of this your wickedness, and pray God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you.'”

Acts 8:13,18,19,20,22 NKJV

Idealistic Must-Haves for Your Home

  1. Organizers

One of the most appealing things to the eye in a home (in my opinion) is organized spaces. It may just be one little organization tool that makes all the difference. Step back and look at your spiritual life for a moment. Is it looking a little messy? Maybe your daily routine is leaving spiritual things left to be “crammed in a drawer” somewhere, just fitting it in where you can. Take some time to organize your daily routine and PRIORITIZE spiritual things.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33 NKJV

2. Home Decor

Home decor videos have got to be one of the most fun things to watch for me. Dreaming of picking out furniture and accessories to make my home beautiful, discovering my design style, and finding my favorite color schemes all make me excited for what lies ahead. One of the great things about decorating your home is that you can personalize it and make it a space that you love. People notice your style when they walk into your home. What about your spiritual home? Do we live our lives so that people notice Christ living in us? Do they see our life “style” and know we’re a Christian? Be the light in the dark world around you. Maybe even a simple smile could affect someone’s day positively. Be happy that you get to live for Christ!

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.”

Matthew 5:14 NKJV

3. Cookbooks

Last, but not least on our list of must-haves are cookbooks. Sometimes I wonder how people came up with some of the amazing recipes you find in them! The greatest recipe of all can be found in our spiritual “cookbook”, the Bible. In that book there is a recipe for salvation. Maybe there’s someone in your home who has not yet become a Christian. Let them read the “cookbook”. Maybe your whole family has decided to obey the gospel. That’s wonderful! If that is the case, share this recipe with someone who hasn’t. There is always going to be someone you can share it with and it is the best recipe they will ever get their hands on!

“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'”

Mark 16:15 NKJV

Material things aren’t really going to make us happy. Styles change, trends change, but God doesn’t.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

Hebrews 13:8 NKJV

Don’t let the changes in the world influence your spiritual home in a negative way. Stick with God and His Word and you will be happier than ever in the end.

The post 6 Must-Haves for Your Christian Home appeared first on Growing in Grace.
