I was recently listening to a podcast, when something that was said caught my attention. The topic was about when Israel demanded a king (1 Samuel 8). God warned them over and over, but they still wanted a worldly king to fight their battles instead of the most powerful King of all, God. So, what did God do? He gave them a king. After the podcast hosts explained how the story went, one of them went on to say,
“Be careful what you wish for. God might just give you what you ask for.”
Aaron Gallagher
Hmm. I had never thought about it that way. God never wants bad things to happen to us or for us to be unhappy, but sometimes, He allows those things because we made a bad decision. In Israel’s case, they rejected God, so He allowed them to have an earthly king to punish and teach them a lesson. When you find yourself complaining about things that aren’t going your way or aren’t to your liking, stop and think, “What am I wishing for?” It may just be that the things you’re complaining about today will be gone tomorrow and you’ll realize that even the little things that we take for granted, are really big things when we have to do without them. This month I want us to challenge ourselves with three things…
Challenge #1: Before complaining, remember the positives.
There is always something to be positive about in every situation you go through (Philippians 4:11).
Challenge #2: Thank God for your blessings, no matter how small.
Always pray to Him, thanking Him for everything He does for you, big and small. Sometimes, it’s the little things that make a big difference (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
Challenge #3: Remember that God is our Father.
As Christians, we are God’s children. He’s sovereign and will make sure that no matter what, we will be taken care of. Trust His decisions. He knows what’s best because He sees the whole picture (Romans 8:28).
As you go throughout this month, I want you to take this thought with you and hold it close…
“One of the greatest acts of grace and mercy in my life is prayers that I’ve prayed to God and God said ‘Uh, no’.”
Aaron Gallagher
God is looking out for you in the best possible way. When He says, “No”, remember just how meaningful that is.